Beber Plastic Cosmetic Surgery

How Long Can Breast Implants Last?

Dr. Brett Beber- Breast Implants Last

For women in Toronto and globally, breast implants have become a popular choice for enhancing appearance, boosting confidence, or reconstructing breasts. Before undergoing breast augmentation, a key question that arises is: How long do breast implants last? Understanding the lifespan of breast implants, potential complications, and the necessity of replacements or removals is not just important, but crucial for anyone considering this cosmetic procedure. In this blog, we will delve into how long breast implants can last, the factors that affect their longevity, and tips on ensuring your implants remain in good condition for as long as possible. The Typical Lifespan of Breast Implants The idea that breast implants last a lifetime is a common misconception. While they do not come with an official “expiration date,” breast implants are not designed to last forever. The average lifespan of breast implants—silicone or saline—is between 10 and 20 years. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, most women will need to have their implants replaced or removed after about 10 to 15 years. It’s important to note that the lifespan of breast implants is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Some women may go beyond the average 10-20 years without significant issues. The longevity of implants is influenced by factors such as the quality of the materials, how well the implants were placed, and how the body reacts to them over time. Silicone vs. Saline Implants: What’s the Difference? Breast implants come in two main types: silicone and saline. Both types have an outer silicone shell but are filled differently. Each type of implant offers different advantages, and your surgeon can help you decide which is better for you based on your lifestyle, aesthetic goals, and medical history. Do Breast Implants Expire? Technically, breast implants do not come with an expiration date like a carton of milk or a bottle of medication. However, they aren’t intended to last indefinitely either. On average, women will need to replace or remove their implants after 10 to 20 years, with about 20% of women undergoing revision surgery within the first ten years due to various reasons. Implants may last longer than this, especially if no complications arise. However, regular check-ups are not just a precaution but a necessity for monitoring their condition. For those with silicone implants, the FDA recommends an MRI every 5 to 6 years to check for silent ruptures and other potential issues. Your health and well-being are our top priority. Signs That Your Breast Implants Need Replacement Breast implants can develop complications over time, which may prompt the need for removal or replacement. Here are some common signs to watch out for: 1. Rupture (Saline or Silicone) 2. Capsular Contracture Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue around the implant tightens, causing the breast to feel stiff or appear misshapen. This complication can lead to pain or tenderness and may require surgical intervention. 3. Breast Hardening Over time, scar tissue around the implant may harden, causing discomfort and making the breast feel unnaturally firm. This hardening often indicates the need for removal or replacement. 4. Implant Rippling Rippling is when the implant develops wrinkles or folds that can sometimes be felt or seen through the skin. This is more common in women with thinner skin or less breast tissue and may necessitate a change in implant size or style. 5. Changes in Position Gravity, aging, or weight fluctuations can cause implants to shift over time. If one breast appears lower or higher than the other, or if your nipples start pointing in different directions, it may be time for a revision procedure. How Can You Extend the Life of Your Breast Implants? While breast implants are not permanent devices, there are steps you can take to extend their lifespan and maintain a beautiful appearance: Breast Implant Replacement and Removal Options When it comes time to remove or replace your breast implants, you have several options. Depending on your circumstances, your surgeon may recommend: When Should You Consider Replacing Your Implants? The timing of breast implant replacement is unique for each individual. Some women choose to replace their implants for cosmetic reasons, such as a desire for a larger or smaller size. In contrast, others do so because of complications like rupture or capsular contracture. The key takeaway? It’s essential to monitor your breast implants regularly and consult with your surgeon if you notice any changes in appearance, feel, or sensation. Following routine check-ups and MRIs as recommended will help detect issues early and allow for timely intervention, preventing long-term complications. Conclusion While breast implants do not last a lifetime, they can provide long-lasting, satisfying results for many women. The typical lifespan of implants is between 10 to 20 years, and with regular care and monitoring, some women may even enjoy their results for longer. However, complications can arise, and women must remain vigilant, paying attention to signs indicating the need for replacement or removal. If you’re a woman in Toronto considering breast augmentation or wondering how long your implants will last, Dr. Brett Beber is here to guide you every step of the way. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your options and learn more about ensuring the long-term health and appearance of your breast implants. Ready to achieve the confidence and look you’ve always dreamed of? At Dr. Brett Beber’s clinic, we are committed to providing personalized care and exceptional results. Whether you’re considering breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, or any cosmetic procedure, we’re here to help you feel your best. Contact Dr. Brett Beber today to start your transformation journey: +1 416-466-5023 | Ready to transform your look and feel amazing? BOOK AN APPOINTMENT

Breast Augmentation: Can Surgery Improve Your Cleavage?

Best Breast Reduction Surgeon in Toronto

Breast Augmentation: Can Surgery Improve Your Cleavage? One of the most common questions that patients ask when they meet with Dr. Beber for a breast augmentation consultation is, “Will I get more cleavage?” According to the Cambridge Dictionary, “cleavage” is “the narrow space between a woman’s breasts”. Often this is more apparent when the women’s clothing is of lower cut revealing more of the breasts and associated with a woman’s femineity.    In your breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Beber, he will explain how he cannot influence or control your cleavage.  It is the patient’s unique anatomy that will influence the final results.  Breast augmentation or breast implant surgery is often referred to as the procedure that involves increasing your breast size by using implants.  This procedure is not designed to improve cleavage however if you naturally have a narrow space between your breasts, you may benefit from an improved or narrower space after surgery.   Patients on occasion will assume that their cleavage may improve by simply increasing their implant size or placing the implants closer together to achieve the desired outcome. However, a woman’s unique anatomy that involves their nipple position, the position of their pectoral muscles, and the overall position of their breasts could predetermine their implant placements.  Implant placement has to take into consideration the nipple position, pectoral muscle measurements and consideration of the midline of the chest will encourage a more natural outcome.  Following these considerations will reduce complications such as malposition of the nipples, risk of stripping the muscle off the chest wall, increased rippling, and seeing the implants.   The common and most desirable goal with breast augmentation is to achieve a natural outcome.  Breast augmentation is one of the top 5 cosmetic surgical procedures in the United States.  Although it has over 97% patient satisfaction, it is important to have realistic expectations and have a good understanding of your individual limitations. Your initial consultation with Dr. Beber, a Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon with over 18 years of experience.  During your consultation will provide you with information specific to your anatomy and goal to help you make an informed decision. To learn more about breast augmentation, please contact Dr. Beber’s office at 416-466-5023 or 

Do’s and Don’ts After Breast Augmentation: Essential Recovery Tips

Do’s and Don’ts After Breast Augmentation: Essential Recovery Tips Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery intervention that is practiced by plastic surgeons. It consists of the placement of breast implants, silicone prostheses, or physiological saline. Prostheses have a different life span from one individual to another. If nothing is justified (wear, shells …), it will not be necessary for some women with implants to have them replaced. New-generation breast implants can withstand wear and have a longer life.  The choice of the prosthesis or its size is discussed with the surgeon. The choice of the size of the prostheses can be evaluated in adequacy with the morphological characters of the individual. This procedure has some risks and complications, to obtain a safe and fast cure, some recommendations are to follow, other practices to avoid: Recommendations to follow: 1) Eat healthily : The diet must be balanced and. Food supplements that contain these nutrients can help you effectively on a daily basis. For optimal healing, it is essential to stay hydrated. A minimum of 8 glasses of water a day is recommended. Besides that, you can start your usual diet again after your breast augmentation. 2) Physical Activity Following Breast Augmentation:  As soon as you return home, it is important to start light activities such as walking. Indeed, it avoids complications such as thrombosis, abnormal clotting of blood from blocking the veins and blood circulation. 3) Proper management of the scar:  The final appearance of the scar depends on a multitude of factors. The scar initially will appear red and swollen, but will deflate over time. Breast augmentation specialists suggest techniques to reduce the size of the scar such as applying surgical strips of paper on the incision or use of a topical gel during the first few months. Ablation of suture at the right moment also helps for optimal healing. 4) Quickly detect possible complications : The main task of the patient postoperatively is self-monitoring. The surgeon must be informed of any changes. He must be able to react and adapt his treatment as soon as possible. 5) Wear a support bra : The sports bras are perfectly adapted. They reduce the movement and swaying of the chest. Thus they improve the adaptation and minimize the pain. 6) Rest and manage the pain well. Studies have shown that sleep is the best medicine for pain. It promotes the healing of wounds. For better blood circulation, sleep on your back. It is normal to feel pain or discomfort after the operation. That’s why it’s better for you to take painkillers.   7) Cold Compress and Breast Augmentation:  The cold compresses and ice packs available today help decrease discomfort, improve swelling, and speed recovery. After surgery, you can apply cold compresses or ice packs on your chest for 10 minutes at a time. To avoid skin injury, ice packs should not be applied directly to the skin, but instead placed on a soft towel to protect the skin. Remember also not to exceed 10 minutes of the duration of applications. 8) Moisturizers for Breast Augmentation:  After breast surgery, your breasts may appear discolored, red, shiny, or may produce a slightly burning sensation. These symptoms are not harsh because the skin adapts quickly to breast implants. Applying a moisturizer on the breast surface can however provide immediate relief. Practices to avoid: Do not perform the follow-up recommended by your surgeon. Breast augmentation is a surgery that presents risks and complications. Medical monitoring is essential to avoid them. Avoid physical exercises that are too energetic. These exercises increase the tension exerted on the skin, which is generally tight in the immediate postoperative period, and they also reduce the quality of healing. By increasing blood flow and blood pressure, tissues can be affected. It is also recommended not to have sex for three weeks. Poor management of the operative wound. It is recommended not to take a hot shower. Hot water can cause swelling of the operated area. You should also avoid directing the stream of warm water over the scar. It is important to avoid the sun and the tanning salon during the three months following your breast augmentation. Creams and topicals not recommended by your surgeon : Some creams are indeed irritating and can hinder optimal healing. Consult your doctor at the slightest doubt.

Dr. Brett Beber: Expert Breast Augmentation in Toronto


Dr. Brett Beber: Expert Breast Augmentation in Toronto With breast augmentation surgery, it’s best to be well informed Breast augmentation surgery is the top cosmetic procedure performed today.  This cosmetic procedure has been the #1 procedure since 2006 with nearly 280,000 procedures performed in 2016 (according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeon Statistics).  For many women, and for a variety of reasons, breast size and shape are important. Whether it’s about self-esteem or a specific health issue, breast augmentation can be the right approach for enhancing breast fullness, improving breast symmetry, or simply rejuvenating physical appearance. In Toronto, Dr. Brett Beber is recognized as an expert in breast surgeries, with a specialization in breast augmentation. As the Co-Director of the Toronto Breast Symposium, Dr. Beber continues to be at the leading edge of reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery. He has in-depth expertise with all types of implants, including the latest generation of silicone cohesive gel-filled implants. Patients come to the clinic for many reasons. For some, breast augmentation may be desirable to create balance with the rest of the body. For others, it may be about corrective measures after pregnancy or pregnancy. For some, a combination of breast implants and breast lifts may be ideal for rejuvenating the aesthetic appearance of their breasts. What’s important for every patient is to be well informed about their surgical procedure, and to ask all of the relevant questions up front. This is where Dr. Beber feels is of the utmost importance– he works with patients personally, to fully customize a breast augmentation procedure, and makes every effort to understand and attain his patient’s personal goals. Patients are encouraged to be informed and educated. For Dr. Beber and his team, every cosmetic procedure is focused on patient safety and optimal aesthetic outcomes. Dr. Beber will ensure that each patient understands the pros and cons associated with his surgical recommendations including the type of implant, incisions, placement of the implant will be discussed and post-operative care.  Silicone implants OR saline implants? Breast implants are generally available in saline-filled or silicone gel-filled forms.  The saline implants are made with a silicone shell, which will be filled with a saline solution (salt water) in surgery.  The saline solution is much like the natural water in the body. After being placed into the breast, the implants are filled with solution according to the volume predetermined before surgery. Saline implants require smaller incisions than the silicone implants Saline implants are less costly than comparative silicone gel implants Silicone implants are also made with a silicone shell and are pre-filled with silicone gel by the manufacturer. These implants come in a variety of sizes and shapes and are either smooth or textured. Filled with a cohesive silicone gel, these implants are semi-solid, much like the consistency of a “gummy bear”. Many patients prefer silicone because of the aesthetic results. Silicone gel implants are soft in composition and feel more natural  Silicone gel results in less “rippling” than the saline-filled implants Now available – IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implant The IDEAL IMPLANT® is a new now available that combines a natural feel with safety. The shell is made of silicone and saline solution is filled in surgery.  These implants are now available in Canada, but only to a limited few plastic surgeons. The new design is FDA approved and Health Canada approved. The IDEAL IMPLANT® feels very natural.  With an inner saline chamber, and an outer saline chamber, solutions are better controlled, therefore giving a more natural feel. For patients who desire the aesthetic benefits of silicone, without using silicone gel implants, this new approach to breast augmentation is IDEAL.   Scar placement – three options to consider With breast augmentation, three types of incisions are possible, through which a breast implant can be inserted. Here again, Dr. Beber reviews the options with every patient, along with the pros and cons of each. Working together, it’s important to decide jointly for complete satisfaction.   Inframammary Fold This scar placement is just under the breast. This approach will hide the scar well.  This incision is used for any implant type or size. Scar length will depend directly on the type of implant. Periareolar Incision This scar placement is around the areola. The scar length will depend on the type of implant. Women who have small areolas may not be suitable for this approach. Transaxillary Incision This incision and scar placement is situated in the armpit. Clearly, the advantage is that no scar is visible on the breast. For the most part, this incision is used with saline implants, and is common when the breast implant is placed right under the muscle of the chest (subpectoral). Dr. Brett Beber PLASTIC, COSMETIC, RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY For Dr. Beber and the surgical team, it’s important to fully address the personal wants and wishes of a patient. Pre-surgery consultations are personal and intimate. The clinic atmosphere is stress-free, and patient concerns are always accommodated. Patients will be well apprised of the pros and cons of breast augmentation, the relative recovery period, and any of the potential risks.



IS BREAST REDUCTION SURGERY RIGHT FOR YOU? Have you been wondering if breast reduction is right for you? As a Plastic Surgeon in Toronto, my patients has expressed to me that they have been thinking about breast reduction surgery for a very long time. Often years! Patients of all ages from 18 to 80 years of age has told me that they had suffered years of physical and psychological pain simply because they do not know where to turn for answers or that they were just simply afraid of the unknown. In recent years breast reduction surgery information has been more readily available especially on the internet. Having celebrities and public figures bravely talking about their breast reduction surgery and experience, has also helped the general public by providing information and taking away the fear of this type of surgery. Notably, celebrities such as Ariel Winters, Drew Barrymore and Queen Latifah has not been shy to share their experience. Having large breasts can put strain your self-esteem, hinder your daily activities and more often patient complain of pain in their neck, back and shoulders. Some patients find that their daily activities are a chore and exercise is impossible resulting in weight gain and further increasing their breast size. Breast reduction also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a common procedure performed by Dr. Brett Beber. As a one of the top Plastic Surgeon in Toronto, Dr. Beber is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario and is the Co-Chairman of the Toronto Breast Symposium (Largest Medical Conference in Canada dedicated to aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery). You may want to consider breast reduction surgery is you are suffering from one or all of these: Back pain Neck pain Shoulder pain Inflammation in the skin folds (intertrigo) Deep groves on the shoulders from bra straps If you live in Ontario, breast reduction surgery may be covered by the Ministry of Health. There are certain criteria that needs to be met. The first step is to speak to your family physician about your concerns and asking for a referral to see Dr. Brett Beber.